Pontiano Kaleebu and Sheena McCormack named Co-Chairs for HIVR4P 2020

Two of PrEPVacc’s senior investigators have been named Co-Chairs for the next HIV Research for Prevention conference (HIVR4P 2020), to be held in South Africa in October 2020.

Pontiano Kaleebu and Sheena McCormack, of MRC/UVRI and LSHTM Uganda Research Unit and MRC CTU at UCL respectively, will join three other international leaders in HIV prevention research, implementation and advocacy as Co-Chairs for the meeting.

As conference Co-Chairs they are responsible for guiding the development of HIVR4P 2020, to be held in Cape Town, South Africa, on 11-15 October 2020. The International AIDS Society (IAS) will take up the role of HIVR4P conference secretariat as part of its collaboration with the Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise, which organized the first three HIVR4P conferences.

Read more at: http://hivr4p.org/about/2020-announcement/